Elizabeth Hornak so happy that you love this series! Thank you for your question for clarity. I believe that you may be referring to the Rainbow, and yes the leg is coming just behind and in front of the stationary leg, which is a great challenge for stability and strength. Hope that you come back to your favorite series, again and again!
Lisa Hubbard
Replied on Forever Young: Workout 2
Replied on Forever Young: Workout 4
Replied on Forever Young: Workout 4
Replied on Forever Young: Workout 4
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Replied on Forever Young: Workout 9
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Replied on Forever Young: Bonus Session 1
Replied on Forever Young: Bonus Session 1
Replied on Forever Young: Workout 5
Feb 20 at 05:12 PM
Michael M One of the most important principles in Pilates is to breathe well glad you found it helpful! And that you are finding these classes flying by! Thank you so much, Michael!