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November 03, 2023

Hi everyone! I'm Katie and I'm Corefirst's Content Manager and Customer Service queen. I'm a huge Pilates lover and attend in-studio classes about 5 days a week, and supplement my practice with Corefirst. I travel a lot (#digitalnomad) and I really love taking Pilates with me on the road.

This fall, I've really worked to be more consistent with my practice and it has really paid off in how energize and strong I feel.

I've really loved interacting with all of you! This tiny community is so mighty!

January 05

Good morning,
My name is Brandy! Just wanted to pop in and say how much I loved corefirst! I'm looking forward the forever young challenge! My daughter is even joining me! Thanks so much for the motivation!

December 31, 2024

Hi Corefirst Pilates Community! I am so excited for the launch of the Forever Young 30-Day Challenge on January 5th! This is such an amazing opportunity to kick off the new year feeling strong, energized, and vibrant. I can’t wait to join this journey with all of you and see how we grow together through movement. Let’s make 2024 our best year yet!

January 17, 2024

Hi Everyone, my name is Amy and I love Pilates and also enjoy Peloton riding and rowing. I’m 48 and my knees are not what they used to be and want to get stronger! I’m so happy I also stumbled upon CF. I was going to Club Pilates but it was so $$ and hard to get to classes. I just am setting up my stuff and wanted to know how does everyone anchor for feet in straps? I wrapped mine around a couch leg and the straps are literally in my face as I’m trying to do the leg moves. Any advice? Thanks !

January 10, 2024

Hi everyone. My name is Amanda and I live in Southern California. I am looking forward to getting more familiar with the CoreFirst system through the 30 day challenge. 

January 09, 2024

Hi. I’m Joanne from Arlington, VA trying to get healthy again after some health issues. Today’s workout included an advanced session. Is it better for me to shift to the beginner version or go through the advanced and just loosen the tension? I used to be quite good at Pilates (years ago), but between age and life and health issues, I am struggling. Thanks.

January 09, 2024

Hi everyone my name is Beth I’m from sunny Florida and looking forward to starting the new year right by get back on track with a healthier lifestyle

January 12, 2024

Hello Everyone I’m Danielle from Michigan and I’m very happy I stumbled upon Core first whilst watching GMA last week. I was going to Club Pilates to start working out again and to lose weight and just get healthier all around. However when my monthly membership price humped to 295 from 100 and the classes I wanted were not available at the times I needed it was time to say goodbye to an activity I truly loved. So today I did all my beginning activities and joined the challenge I’m excited too see how my body will change and get stronger in the new year as I will be 53 soon with bad knees and a bad back. I know this will help on my wellness journey!!! I orders the rest of the accessories today as well.

January 14, 2024

Hello everyone! I received this system as a Christmas gift from one of my son's. Just got everything in mail with some holiday shipping mishaps, and account changed to my name but I'm excited to see what this thing can do. I'm extremely grateful to my family for noticing how much I 🖤 Pilates.

August 26, 2024

Hello Everyone my name is Patsy.  I have 6 children, 18 grandchildren and two more on the way this fall. I became a widow in Nov. 2023 after being married for 33 years. I retired in February.   My life has been turned upside down, but thanks to family and friends ive gotten through it.  I needed something to get me motivated to get back in shape and I think I found it!