
28 Nov 10:58

Yes! Almost all of the workouts can be modified to what you need. :) or you can also utilize your bed if it’s helpful!

19 Nov 06:25

Rest and relax!!


03 Nov 07:45

Hi everyone! I'm Katie and I'm Corefirst's Content Manager and Customer Service queen. I'm a huge Pilates lover and attend in-studio classes about 5 days a week, and supplement my practice with Corefirst. I travel a lot (#digitalnomad) and I really love taking Pilates with me on the road.

This fall, I've really worked to be more consistent with my practice and it has really paid off in how energize and strong I feel.

I've really loved interacting with all of you! This tiny community is so mighty!


08 Jun 09:30

SHOUTING IT OUT! I’m looking to tone up and have more definition in my arms and abs! I’d also like to build more stamina!


Fueling my workouts tends to be a challenge for me. I really try to start the day with a high protein breakfast and then after working out following it up with a protein shake! 💪🏼

My workout has to be bumping with the tunes! I love some fun dance pop, maybe throw in a few remixes! It’s a full on disco!
I love how it gives me a purpose and an instant win. Once I get in my workout, I know that I can easily conquer the rest of the day. It’s something I can do for myself each day and feel fantastic afterwards!
Hmm personally I think I enjoy a combination of the two. I like working out by myself, while also being held accountable by a challenge or a program. It allows me to work harder on my own time and report back/ reflect on my progress again later with the community.
So excited for this one!! Who doesn’t love a quick challenge to boost your fitness into the spring months!? The shorter and more effective, the better.
Lana I totally feel this. We have one expensive Pilates studio near me and the rest are about 20 minutes away. Thinking about that drive in the morning makes me want to quit already. Really love the Corefirst. Makes me work hard, save money, AND be lazy in the morning!