Danielle Rhodes

Dec 01 at 01:50 PM

Jeffrey hi Jeff thank you for getting back! I appreciate the feedback, the thing with making my own list for the month is that idk if the programs I’m picking are a good even mix. I love that you guys, the professions, balance out the types of workouts every week! It makes me feel like I’m getting approval from you. Almost like you’re telling me what to do! Thanks for understanding.

Nov 17 at 11:13 AM

Yeah comments going on for half the month now and not one person has responded? They are more worried about selling their new wall unit.

Nov 04 at 05:26 AM

I agree. I’m exactly the same way! We pay a monthly subscription and aren’t getting one of the main features Corefirst has to offer, on a consistent basis. Last month, the month wasn’t even thought out in its entirety?? As much as i love Corefirst, the lack of attention or care towards users has me rethinking what i signed up for here.