Novella Childress

Independence, MO, United States

I’m a 57 years old. I live in Independence Missouri.

09 Apr 05:56

Wonderful, fabulous exciting workout


08 Apr 06:34

That was the fastest 20 minutes ever I could’ve done more that was real quick and efficient. I loved it.


Where is the todays workout? I received and message but didn’t find anything. I love the mental health plan.

10 Feb 08:26

My favorite workout. Must do this again and again.


09 Feb 07:57

Thank you, Seriously, noticing lots of changes in my body and weight loss. Thanks to my new workouts record first.


09 Feb 06:38

My personal milestone - I am a new voice artist, and receive my first gig on a gospel radio station.


07 Feb 16:26

Can’t wait


07 Feb 11:06

Now that the 30 day challenge is over.. I think it’s time to challenge myself with some 30 minute Corefirst workouts for the rest of the week.

I will be trying some of the 30 min workouts.


Thank you