Tosha Pearson

50something looking to keep moving until the day I leave here while also feeling good.

23 Jan 10:09

Try it with kale


18 Jan 05:21

Hi Tamera! What area of insurance covers Pilates? I'm interested in looking into this.

15 Jan 06:06

My phone goes to DND at 6:30 with only my parents and children able to get through if they call.



14 Jan 08:32

Hello everyone! I received this system as a Christmas gift from one of my son's. Just got everything in mail with some holiday shipping mishaps, and account changed to my name but I'm excited to see what this thing can do. I'm extremely grateful to my family for noticing how much I 🖤 Pilates.


Love this. I go to STL Pilates Lab, and though I love it Pilates is the most expensive exercise I've ever done. 🙃 Much like yourself I have the goal of being healthy and fit. I'll be 52 this year and I want to be unstoppable. Looking forward to Corefirst being a good supplement to my studio time and regular gym days, especially on days like today when it's 1° outside🥶

14 Jan 08:24

I've never quite understood, is the goal to keep your core engaged the entire time?