Yes, THIS!! So very true. 

Jun 22 at 08:36 AM

WOOHOO!! Sore, but feeling fine!!!!!

Jun 22 at 08:36 AM

YAY Susan! I know you were a bit hesitant at first, and it's so nice that you are starting to see the benefits. Think of it as just taking the next "right" step, it doesn't have to be leaps! Keep going!!!


Jun 22 at 08:35 AM

Hi Patinka! Yes, it doesn't matter which device you use as long as you're logged in! I'll be able to see what percentage you've completed and it's okay if it shows 96%, 98%, etc. I still count it! On the back end, it logs the date, time, and completion rate so even if you've done it before, it will log it on a particular day! You are all set!

Jun 22 at 08:33 AM


Jun 21 at 11:34 AM

That’s great Kim! It’s always nice to challenge your body and try new things! Don’t worry, will be able to see the percentage that you have completed from our side so as long as you completed the majority of the video, you are all set!


Jun 21 at 10:27 AM

Hey challengers! How's the Burn Baby Burn challenge treating you? Make sure you're diligent about consuming water after all that sweating! Comment below how you're feeling!


Replied on Cable Machine

Jun 21 at 08:27 AM

Thanks for your feedback! They're more meant to be quick snapshots of moves as many do not like hearing the coaching. You CAN make your own workouts by choosing 4-5 and performing them 10-12 times for 4-5 rounds!

Replied on Workout 3 | Burn

Jun 21 at 08:19 AM

That's alright Susan! You can also use a chair or save the on-the-floor moves for the end so you only have to get down to the ground once!


Jun 21 at 05:00 AM

We’ve all heard them. Myths about fitness, wellness, and health have been changed and passed down for years. Shout them out and bust those myths!