Replied on Stretch | Chest

Jun 23 at 08:56 AM

I always feel so fantastic after these!!

Jun 23 at 08:55 AM

Thatā€™s okay!

Jun 23 at 08:23 AM

Hey everyone be sure to comment on the ACTUAL challenge post when you finish out the challenge today! Itā€™s the one with the fun disco photo! Not this one :)

Jun 23 at 08:23 AM

Hi Julie! If you can comment you ā€œdoneā€ entry on the actual challenge post (with the funky disco photo) that would be great! Thatā€™s where it counts!

Jun 22 at 08:44 AM

Iā€™m a bit obcessed with our stretch program. I feel like it stretches. EVERY. MUSCLE!!!

Replied on Stretch | Glutes

Jun 22 at 08:43 AM

Thatā€™s perfectly fine!! Progress over perfection!

Replied on Workout 4 | Burn

Jun 22 at 08:41 AM

šŸ”„ šŸ’ŖšŸ¼

Replied on Workout 4 | Burn

Jun 22 at 08:41 AM

You betcha!!

That's right! You need support from both sides!


100%!!! It's more holistic than people think! Also, finding a workout that you LOVE and supports you mentally will take you so much further because you will actually WANT to exercise every day!