Jul 28 at 07:04 AM

Yes! Utilizing the Circle Bands really add to that!!!

Jul 27 at 09:07 AM

Hi Kerry! If you purchased your Corefirst prior to October of last year, you may have smaller ones. But no worries, a few others have shared your concern, and you can always place them on your calves or just around the ankles for the same experience!

Replied on Sliders

Jul 27 at 08:38 AM

I'm sorry Constance. While they work for a lot of different floor types, we can't build them for all surfaces. If you're within your 30-day return window you're more than welcome to return, or if there might be another spot in your house with different flooring maybe give that a try. They also work great on grass if you want to work outside during the summer months!

Commented on Sliders

Jul 27 at 06:24 AM

Hi Constance! The sliders aren't really meant to slide on yoga mat material. As you can see in many of our videos, typically our trainers place the mat to the side or perform the moves in front of it. They are built for most home surfaces including carpet, rugs, hardwood, concrete, vinyl, and tile. Do you have any of these surfaces in your home?


Jul 27 at 06:21 AM

Thank you Patinka!

Replied on Strength | Arms

Jul 27 at 06:17 AM


Replied on Strength | Arms

Jul 27 at 06:17 AM

Even though there is a focus for the video, you end up working it all!


Jul 27 at 06:00 AM

Alright friends, let’s get that body moving and grooving! Check out our Advanced Full Body video from our Home Pilates Series. Where do you think you’d be in a few months if you took only 5 minutes per day to improve your physical and mental health? GIVE IT A SHOT! You have every tool you need packed into these 5-minute workouts.


Denver Living Room | Advanc...

Equipment used:Corefirst SystemZone MatNOTE: You do not need...

Jul 26 at 01:55 PM

YES AND YES!!!! ;)


Jul 26 at 11:37 AM

Hey everyone! How's the challenge going? Do you have any questions? Chime in below about your progress!!