Oct 04 at 09:53 AM

The first two videos will be released this Friday! And we will release new videos every Friday until the 27th!

Oct 04 at 09:43 AM

And you don't have to wait long for it! Pencil it in for this Fri-YAY!


Oct 04 at 09:42 AM

You will love Tracey too! Check out her website:


Oct 04 at 09:42 AM

US TOO! Hopefully they will be more frequent in the new year!


Oct 04 at 08:00 AM

There are a LOT of programs out there, and let's be honest, many promise more than they deliver. What have you tried?


Oct 04 at 06:33 AM

Yes! We love a progressive series!!



Oct 04 at 06:22 AM

Introducing to our cutting-edge Fat Burn program – a journey that will transform not only your body but also your spirit. This program introduces a dynamic series of 20-minute high-powered workouts designed to ignite your metabolism and sculpt your physique. Harness the power of resistance training combined with the fluidity of Pilates in the comfort of your own home, as our expert instructors, Tracey Mallett and Madison Carter, guide you through 8 invigorating routines.

Your path to a healthier, leaner, BOLDER you starts 10.06.22!


Preview: Fat Burn

Welcome to our cutting-edge Fat Burn program – a journey that...

Oct 03 at 02:56 PM

Great Patty!

Oct 03 at 01:22 PM

Great Idea! Yes, we get some mixed reviews as some people like to see and hear the set up and others want to get right to business! I think you'll like what we have coming out this Friday!


Oct 03 at 10:01 AM

Specialty Programs (Stretch, Strength, Burn)
35 %
Villa Del Mar
32 %
5-Minute Denver Living Room
32 %
18 %
12 %
18 %
Something Else… (Comment what you want to see below!)
9 %
34 votes