Patinka Tari

Commented on Cabo | Workout 6

May 26 at 06:42 PM

I like the balance work. Good challenge having resistance.

May 26 at 12:52 AM

This one was nice. I liked the tricep work with the stretching of the spine and arms in the end.

May 25 at 12:26 AM

Thank you for a day of stretching! Wonderful

Commented on Vail | Workout 4

May 23 at 11:48 PM

Kathi that was a wonderful workout! I loved the treat at the end and so many fun new positions to use the band! I love your workouts!!!

May 23 at 12:06 AM

That was a good core workout! Nice mobility challenge in the end.

Commented on Workout 3 | Burn

May 22 at 11:49 PM

That was an interesting workout… it had several good cardio moves as well as strength training with the bands. The poses did not transpire for the length of time I am used to in previous videos but it did the job! Loved the jumprope, glute bridge with raised leg and downdog cross touch toes!

Commented on Cardio?

May 21 at 10:04 PM

I second that!!!


I like protein shakes as well before my workout- maybe an hr or two to fuel me.

Commented on Workout 1 | Burn *FREE

May 16 at 11:43 PM

Loved this workout!!

May 16 at 11:29 PM

Phew! This was felt in the legs and what a booty burner!