Replied on post was deleted

Aug 04 at 07:10 PM

Hi Aisha! Yes they will be available via the links in the post above!

Commented on Where to start?

Aug 04 at 12:56 PM

Yes! There really is no specific program to start with other than the fundamentals, as all of our videos can be modified for beginners by adding more or less resistance and by choosing the modifications that our instructors talk about. If I had to choose one, I would choose our Villa Del Mar program as it is a progressive series.


Replied on post was deleted

Aug 03 at 01:49 PM

You’re too kind Kat! Over a short span of time, we’ve made a lot of improvements and continue to fine-tune our programs. The OG program no longer adequately reflects what we want our programming to be. But no worries there are some great things coming up that we can’t quite talk about yet, and you can still access them on YouTube!

Replied on Today is...

Aug 03 at 06:06 AM

Everyone has a sweet spot for the burn program <3

Replied on Today is...

Aug 03 at 06:06 AM

I love stretch days!!


Aug 03 at 06:00 AM


Add some definition to your limbs with this arm-focused workout. You’ll zero in on those biceps, triceps, and a bit of shoulder and core. Tack it onto a longer Corefirst Pilates video and use it as a burnout, or make it a stand-alone workout if you’re limited on time!


Denver Living Room | Advanc...

Equipment used:Corefirst SystemZone MatNOTE: You do not need...


Aug 02 at 09:11 AM

Burn Program all the way!!🔥
20 %
Gotta Stretch it outtttt with the Stretch Program 🧘🏻‍♀️
20 %
Nah, I'm feeling a Pilates Program 💙
40 %
I DO NOT have time today.... I can do a 5-Minute video! ⏰
10 %
It's a rest day!
10 %
10 votes

Aug 02 at 08:28 AM

Chocolate is the best! That's great that you're consuming it in moderation! 

Aug 02 at 08:28 AM

Well moderation is great! Don't punish yourself though!


Aug 02 at 06:00 AM

We’ve all been there. The brownies just smell too good and you HAVE to eat the whole plate. Help… What are your tips and tricks for curbing those cravings and maybe only eating one brownie?