February 13, 2023

This is your friendly fitness buddies here at Corefirst reminding you to “DRINK YOUR WATER!”  

“Yeah, Yeah, Yeah Corefirst I hear it all the time!”   But why is water so important? Let’s dive in! (See what we did there?)  

People who are dehydrated may have a decreased ability to exercise and perform at their best, which can lead to poor performance and loss of motivation. Dehydration can also cause significant damage to the body's cells and muscle tissue, leading to muscle cramps and loss of strength and joint pain. The human body is made up of over 60% water by weight. A person who has lost more than 1% of their total hydration level will feel very thirsty (they may even start to feel dizzy), while a person who has lost 2-3% will experience significant discomfort in their muscles and joints as well as difficulty concentrating clearly on tasks such as reading or driving.  

What does water do? Funny you should ask:

• It’s necessary for every cell's existence and serves as a building material.

• Through sweating and respiration, it controls the temperature of our internal organs.

• Water in the bloodstream is used to digest and carry the proteins and carbs that our bodies utilize as fuel

• It helps the body drain waste primarily through urination, creates saliva, lubricates joints, and functions as a shock absorber for the brain, spinal cord, and fetus.

However, remember that all of the water a person needs does not have to come from drinking liquids, as some of this water is contained in the food we eat! But… an extra glass or two can’t hurt!