September 11, 2023

September will be a month of bold changes for Corefirst and the Corefirst App, it’s also a fantastic time of year to start thinking about establishing healthy habits. With summer winding down (we hate to see it) and routines beginning to change, maintaining a consistent fitness routine can be a challenge, but it's also a powerful way to ground yourself in the midst of uncertainty.

From shifting work schedules to unexpected life events, change is the backdrop against which we live our lives. It's during these times that our fitness routines often suffer… or THRIVE. Just as quickly as routines can be lost during these times, health habits can also be instilled just as easily! So, how can we cling to our fitness routines when even the leaves on the trees are going haywire? Let’s start with our top 3 tips:

1. Morning Rituals Mornings are the perfect time to squeeze in healthy habits, not only that, but you’ll also feel a fantastic burst of productivity getting things checked off the to-do list before the rest of the world is awake! Even just incorporating a 5- 10 minute Corefirst workout is enough to get the blood flowing and create a placeholder of sorts in your routine. Over time, work to increase the workout length and push yourself. Big change doesn’t have to happen overnight, it’s the small changes and longevity that add up!

2. Form a Habit Chain Think about this: when cooking pasta, first you grab a pot, then boil water in the pot, then throw in the pasta, etc. One move just flows into the next without thinking too hard, right? Perhaps after establishing your 10-minute-of-Corefirst-every-morning routine, you follow it up with a 5-minute Stretch Program class for a week. Then the next week, you tack on a protein shake after each workout…and so on. Chain these habits together until they become second nature and a standard practice! Adding a new “link” over time will breed consistency and durability to your new routine.

 3. Travel Companion:

With school and extracurricular activities kicking back in, as well as the holidays just around the corner (sorry, had to mention it!), being on-the-go is at an all-time high. Utilize the portability of the Corefirst and take it with you to your kid’s soccer practice or when staying at your in-laws for the holidays. If you can’t make time for it, make its versatility work for you!

A Quick Note: I see a lot of comments on our clients’ posts that show them using the Corefirst while camping, at their kid’s soccer practice, waiting on their car at the mechanics, on vacation, and in other less “conventional” situations for fitness, and see the repeated term of it being “embarrassing” or “ridiculous.” This is always surprising to me. Maintaining your fitness and health is (or should be) a part of everyone’s everyday life. I think we should start normalizing and commending people for having such dedication and drive to “fit it in” when they can. Especially for parents, it is so beneficial on multiple fronts for children to see their parents working out and taking care of their mental and physical health. But that’s a topic for another day…


How do you fit fitness into your schedule? Comment below!